Manuscript preparation
All text files should be prepared with Microsoft Word, 12 pt Times New Roman font, page margin 1" from each side, and no embedded figures.

1. Title
    1. The full title of the paper without abbreviations.
    2. Full names (first and last name) of all authors.
    3. Indication of the corresponding authors.
    4. Affiliations and addresses of each author.
    5. Contact information of corresponding author.

2. Keywords
    Authors must provide at least 3 keywords.

3. Abstract
    An abstract not exceeding 300 words is required.

4. Main body of the manuscript
    1. Introduction
    2. Materials and methods
    3. Results
    4. Discussion (may be combined with "Results" section)

5. Acknowledgments

6. References
    All references must be numbered consecutively in square brackets, in the order in which they are cited in the text, followed by any in tables or legends. Only articles
    and abstracts that have been published or are in press, or are available through public e-print/preprint servers, may be cited.

    (1) Journal article:
          Towers A, Carnevale FA, Baker ME. 2008. The psychosocial effects of cancer-related lymphedema. J Palliat Care. 24(3):134-143.
    (2) Book:
          Schnepf E: From prey via endosymbiont to plastids: comparative studies in dinoflagellates. In Origins of Plastids. Volume 2. 2nd edition. Edited by Lewin RA. New
          York: Chapman and Hall; 1993:53-76.
    (3) In press article:
          Kharitonov SA, Barnes PJ: Clinical aspects of exhaled nitric oxide. 2008. Eur Respir J, in press.

    (1) Please use the correct journal abbreviation for each cited paper.
    (2) If there are more than six (6) authors in a cited paper, please list the names of the first 6 authors before putting "et al.".

7. Tables, figures, and images
    1. Each table should be numbered in sequence using Arabic numerals (i.e. Table 1, 2, 3, etc.). Tables should also have a title that summarizes the whole table.
    2. The figure file will be accepted in JEPG, TIF, or GIF formats. The authors may also paste the figures into Microsoft Word document and send them as Word file. The
        average figure should be approximately 100-300K bytes and no more than 3M bytes. If the figures are scanned by author, please make sure that the resolution is set
        no more than 300 dpi.